The story of the Desiree’s Baby by Chopin discusses the plight of Desiree, a young woman who had been adopted by Madame Valmonde. The strory starts by describing the journey of Madame Valmonde to L’Abri to see Desiree, her daughter and the baby she had delivered. At first, Madame Valmonde could not believe that Desiree had a baby as she remembered everything about her when she was still a baby. Desiree was married to Aarmand Aubigny, a young man of French descent. They were happily married and blessed
The limitations of women’s lives in the 19th Century in “Desiree’s Baby” Women in the nineteenth century lived in an age defined by gender inequality. Women were expected to remain inferior to their fathers and husbands. Their occupational choices were also very limited. The middle and upper class women generally remained home, watching over their children and taking care of the household. Differences between people may often bring altercations between one another. This is found often true between