Sticky Ladder

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Sticky Ladder: The term ‘Sticky Ladder’ is fast replacing the term “Glass Ceiling”. A study undertaken by Accenture (2008) reveals that actually successful managers, both male as well as female, exhibit some common traits. The only difference is that women need more support from external forces like the organization, society and government for facilitating advancement in their careers. So, a glass ceiling does not exist for women, what they face in fact is a career ladder which is sticky at the level of middle management. Thus, women are capable of reaching to the top, they just get ‘stuck up on the middle rungs’. Changing Gender Relations: For women employed in IT companies, gender seems to be an issue at work as well as outside it.…show more content…
This harassment could be physical, mental or verbal. Thus, unfortunately, sexual harassment at workplace is a hard reality that working women in India have to face. Sexual Harassment at workplace has been defined by the Supreme Court of India (vide of Vishakha v. State of Rajasthan, 1997) as, “Any unwelcome sexually determined behavior (whether directly or by implication) as physical contact and advances, a demand or request for sexual favors, sexually colored remarks, showing pornography or any other unwelcome physical, verbal or non-verbal conduct of sexual nature.” In other words, any action, remark or conduct of the male employee, which makes a female employee uncomfortable at the workplace, can be considered to be an act of sexual harassment. Several amendments have broadened the meaning of the term workplace. It now includes travel to office and back, also females entering the workplace as clients or guests are also included in the aegis of the law. There are several reasons why harassment may take place at work. Some general measures are as…show more content…
The Internal Compliance Committee to resolve grievances pertaining to sexual harassment. The law imposes a penalty of up to Rs. 50,000 on employers who do not implement the Act in the workplace or even fail to constitute an ICC. However, there is a high rate of non- compliance in the private sector, as is evident in the 2015 study, Reining in Sexual harassment at Workplace, by Ernst and Young. Two in five IT companies were oblivious to the need to set up ICCs. Several IT giants, who have always taken a lead in implementing diversity initiatives, already have detailed guidelines to address sexual harassment at the workplace. E.g.: HCL Technologies has established the Secure Governance Council headed by its HR head to look into harassment complaints. Wipro has the Prevention of Sexual Harassment Committee to conduct an inquiry on complaints and to recommend actions based on the investigation." Mindtree has an umbrella POSH committee under which there are two sub-committees - Central Internal Compliance Committee and Location Investigation Committee to look into grievances related to sexual

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