Should Supervisors Be Concerned With Diversity In The Workplace Essay

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1. How does HRM affect all supervisors? HRM affects all supervisors because with some, or all the aspects of finding, hiring, training, and keeping employees in his or her organization involves them. 2. Contrast reject errors and accept errors. Which one is most likely to open a supervisor to charges of discrimination? Why Reject errors are when the committee who select job candidates makes an error of rejecting candidates who, if hired, would have performed successfully on the job. In contrast, accept errors is when the committee who select job candidates ACCEPTS those who subsequently perform poorly. The accept errors are more likely to open a supervisor to charges of discrimination because they are KNOWINGLY accepting candidates…show more content…
It should state a detail definition of sexual harassment. It should also state that under no uncertain circumstances will you tolerate sexual harassment. If sexual harassment takes place that you will fully investigate and that you will under no uncertain circumstances, tolerate retaliation. Another way to minimize occurrences of sexual harassment is to require employees and supervisor to take a sexual harassment training course every year. This training will help everyone understand their rights and what to do if it is or has taken place at work. 8. Why should supervisors be concerned with diversity in the workplace? What do special HRM issues diversity raise for them? Supervisors should be a concern with diversity in the workplace because it will ensure that the selection process does not discriminate. The diversity issue from HRM raises supervisors to provide special workshops to raise diversity consciousness among current employees, as well as programs for ne employees that focus on diversity. 9. “Victims of downsizing are not those employees who were let go. Rather, the victims are the ones who have kept their jobs.” Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Defend your

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