Sexual Harassment Assignment

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Excelsior Community College An Essay Submitted in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Module [Research Methodology] in the Tourism, Hospitality and Entertainment Management Undergraduate Bachelor of Science Degree Programme Tourism, Hospitality and Entertainment Management Tiffany Wilks #20141416 Natoya Sanderson#20141749 Racquel Isaacs #10T10551 Lecture: Mrs Sawyers Date: March 14, 2018 Introduction The meaning of sexual harassment is still not clear to some people and this is creating a lot of problems the work place. According to “ Shenzhen in 2009 approximately 600 questionnaire was given to a percentage of participant which indicate that they were introduce to various forms of sexual harassments and others said that…show more content…
Sexual harassment is and wrongful act that is done to others this can cause great harm to the individual destroying their lives. Sexual harassment can cause the individual job satisfaction and performance to decrease which can also affect the company has well. Organization must put policies in place to protect their employees from this kind of act and providing them with a hood and healthy working environment. These policies must include policy statement, complains procedures, disciplinary rules towards harasser and communication…show more content…
(2013). Sexual Harassmnt in the workplace, to Recognize Hownto deal with it. Gender Program Working paper , 13. Carrie Hunt, Marilyn Davidson,Sandra Feilden & Helge Hoel. (2012). Sexual harassment in the workplace a literature review. Working paper series,59. Hunter C Davidison, M Filden, S and Hoel H. (2007). Sexual Harassment in workplace,59. Robinson, T. (2015). Sex Harassment in the workplace: Let the converation Begin. Jambar/GLC CLC . Rapidari, S. Ali, O. Zakaria, Z. Shafrini, N. & Yusof, H. (2016). Sexual harassment among hotel employees in Malaysia: The risk factor effect. Medwell journals, 11, 13 Hunter, C. Davidson, M. Fielden, S. & Hoel, H. (2007). Sexual harassment in workplace No. 59 Cela, A. (2015). Sexual harassment at work: A European experience. Academic Journal of Business, Administration, Law and Social Sciences, 11,

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