Discrimination In The Workplace

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According to Keeling et al, workplace bullying is characterised as: “offensive, intimidating, malicious or insulting behavior, an abuse or misuse of power through means intended to undermine, humiliate, denigrate or injure the recipient” (2006). Workplace bullying may occurred when an individual or a group of people against an individual; for instance, a manager with his colleagues using inappropriate language to insult that person. As defined by Einarsen et al, those negative actions and behaviors repeatedly occurred over a period of time are labelled as “workplace bullying” (2011). However, it needs to differentiate between workplace bullying and workplace violence, bullying is about attacking the victim’s “psychology and persistent”; on…show more content…
As a matter of fact, multiculturalism is one of the challenges in workplace environment, while each employee has different background, culture and nationality. Foreign employees as well as immigrants may find language barrier and culture is a big challenge for them. Some ethnic seem themselves as superior than others; for instance, white people seen themselves are more superior than any other races. Most people tend to stereotype about different nationalities; while they have bad stereotype about some nationalities, they are less likely to hire those people. In agreement with Dong and Kleiner, Asian employees often have inequality in salary, and it is also considered as racial discrimination on the job (1999). Also, as reported by Dong and Kleiner, some employers refuse to hire Asian employees, due to the fact that “none is “suitable” for the job and there are more “better” candidates available” (1999). Age discrimination is another factor which is an obstacle barrier for employees in workplace environment. Age discrimination happens when an employee is treated differently from others because of their age. Older worker is one of the most challenges in workplace environment; they are old-fashioned, “hard-to-break” habit, lack of technology knowledge and skills (Shah and Kleiner, 2005). “Older workers do not learn as well as younger workers” (Marinez and Kleiner, 1993). While young workers are…show more content…
it is accounted for in the United Kingdom, that roughly just 80% of associations have against tormenting strategies set up (Harrington et al, 2013); in this way proposing there is still a sizeable populace permitting the issue to go uncompromised. Information proposing work environment harassing costs upwards of £2 million a year, and 18 million in-lost working days, associations comprehend the requirement for activity (CIPD, 2006, cited in Pate and Beaumont, 2010). Bullying is normally an issue confronted by Human Resource offices (HRM), and therefore it is their part to be at the cutting edge, presenting eradicative techniques. Khan and Khan (2012) propose four key procedures that HR divisions can execute in endeavoring to oversee work environment tormenting; education and training, corporate responsibility, possession of the right machinery and support. The joint effort of these four things, shape an associations hostile to bullying
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