Persuasive Speech About Parents

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No matter what your amazing life is right now or will become later you will encounter children. Even though you may decide not to have children yourself, I'm certain you have met children and thought to yourself, how did that happen. I met a woman who made me smile when she told me, "Patrick I do love children, I just can't eat a whole one" Many parents I meet have made the biggest mistake in their lives by placing more importance on the pursuit of money than on their children. Parents work long hours and children suffer. Never put money before children or your spouse, not if you want a loving relationship and an amazing life. Some people ask how the art of lovemaking can make a child that has turned out to be such a monster. Well instead of you having to go out and purchase a book on parenting, I've included how to become an amazing parent here for you.…show more content…
While you are absorbing this I may smash a few myths about parenting along the way. So just read the principles and then you will understand when children become completely lost we can rescue them. Every day I attend my office I find myself face to face with a parent. 90% of the time it will be a mother. She will explain to me in great detail what she thinks (guesses) is wrong with her child. Then will ask me if I would like to talk to the child to see if I can fix "it". She then walks outside and brings the child in to sit in my office while she goes outside and waits. The expectation then of course is that the child who just walked in won't be the same child when it walks out again. Somehow I am going to "fix" this child, because obviously it's broken. Well at least that's what the mothers told me, and I have about twenty minutes to accomplish
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