The Anita Hill Case

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The case of Anita Hill in 1991 was the first high profile case dealing with accusations of sexual harassment against a woman in the workplace. According to Hill, during her two years of employment as Thomas's assistant, Thomas had asked her out socially many times, and after she refused, he used work situations to discuss sexual subjects. "He spoke about...such matters as women having sex with animals and films showing group sex or rape scenes" she said, adding that on several occasions Thomas graphically described "his own sexual prowess" and the details of his anatomy. However at the time Clarence Thomas was a nominee for the vacant seat in the Supreme Court and even though Hill had four witnesses (who were never called upon to testify) and…show more content…
Sorrowfully that does not seem to be the case as the accusations in the case of Galliford v. RCMP are shockingly similar to those in the cases of Anita Hill and Lois Jenson. Especially Hill, in the case of those in power attempting to bury her and her accusations in favor of not tarnishing a man in a high ranking position. The role of RCMP spokesperson in B.C. is a huge honor, so when two officers who held that position became entangled in two separate sexual harassment cases (one as a female accuser; one as a male accused) one would hope both cases are dealt with fairly and to the full extent of the law. One was Insp. Tim Shields, who held the post for 10 years until 2011. Shields has been accused in separate civil suits of harassment against two female RCMP members, and the details are horrid. He is alleged, among other things, to have exposed his genitals to one woman and another woman claims he tried to undress her and, at one point, cornered her in a washroom, where he forced her to touch him. Despite all this Shields has held his place within the RCMP hierarchy, it was only after the second woman’s lawsuit landed did he go off on “administrative leave” and, even then, a biography of him remained on the force’s B.C. website. On the other hand, Catherine Galliford went public in 2011 with her story of chronic sexual harassment and bullying…show more content…
How in 2014-2015 is the RCMP just now providing better rules to combat sexual harassment? Why was and accused Tim Shields treated much better by the RCMP than a complainant in Galliford? In Canada laws can come through three parts of government, federal, provincial and municipal. Sexual harassment is placed under Labour laws meaning they are provincial laws (varies province to province). In Ontario, sexual harassment can be posting or sharing pornography, sexual pictures, asking for sex in exchange for a benefit or a favour, repeatedly asking for dates, and not taking “no” for an answer, bragging about sexual prowess and more. Most importantly a company is required to make a file of any sexual harassment accusations which would have come in handy in both Lois Jenson and Anita Hill’s cases. As much as laws have changed to better accommodate women in the workplace and protect against sexual harassment, James Brown’s lyrics ring true “It’s a Man’s World” it will continually be difficult for women to receive the same treatment as men in the workplace (not to mention the pay difference). Men will continue to feel threatened by strong women as they were with Catherine Galliford and companies, corporations and armed forces (RCMP, Police, Army) will continue

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