Examples Of Accusation From Childhood

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Accusation from Childhood My relationship with my mother was unlike those that I have seen. As I got older, I started to realize that talking to my mother about my personal issues was something that I was not used to. One day, I accused my mother of not caring or loving me enough as her own daughter, because she doubted my capabilities and showed very little to no affection towards me. Some may say that it is toxic for a mother and child to have a barrier between their relationship; but, not having a close bond with my mother was something that was normal to me, until I grew up. I began to yearn for my mother's attention and affection because I knew it was something that I need, especially since my mind did not develop fully around my mother.…show more content…
When watching popular movies or television shows, a mother and daughter having a close relationship are usually portrayed. Eventually, I began comparing my mother to those who I've seen from the media. In addition, being surrounded by my friends with close relationships with their parents also affected the way I was thinking. As I learned newer things, I began wondering if I was the only child who did not have a close bond with my mother. Along with accusing my mother of the lack of affection she had towards me, I began blaming myself for the things I have observed in our relationship. When I would come home and talk about my day with my family, I started to expect to receive some comfort coming from my mother, to let me know that things will be okay. Instead, I received constant criticisms for my actions and getting told that I can always do better. Affection from my mother was something foreign to me because I grew up going to my grandmother for comfort with my problems; but as human beings, it is important to feel the affection coming from a parent. However, I did not dig deeper into the ways my mother shows her endearment towards
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