Sexual Assault Case Study

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Before anything else I would make sure that there is a link about the increasing of sexual assaults and the crime statistics. Maybe the crimes are not predominantly sexual assault. I would make sure that I am not giving a false information to the readers by only talking about sexual assault in the city because the Justice department revealed the statistics of crimes but without saying if the crimes were sexual assaults or not, we do not have to mix up. After this point I would ask to myself; why the women did she make some information public on Facebook and in the same time preferring to stay anonymous? Journalists have to be transparent with the readers if they want them to trust the media organizations. According to the Pew Research Center…show more content…
According to the Associated Press, we can use anonymous sources if it is the only way to reveal a story. “The material is information and not opinion or speculation and is vital to the news report”. In this case, the journalist could easily find another sexual assault victim and ask an interview, the testimony of this woman is not mandatory for this story that could be written without her interview. For example, Deep Throat was a mandatory source for Woodward and Bernstein; they could not have revealed the scandal without his testimony. In this story, the journalist does not reveal any major story; he only needs a testimony of a sexual assault victim. In my opinion he should not use the interview of this woman if he can find someone else talking and revealing his/her name and if he is not sure that the source is reliable. As the SPJ Code of Ethics explains; “ Journalists should: identify sources clearly. The public is entitled to as much information as possible to judge the reliability and motivations of…show more content…
The journalist also has to be sure that his source is reliable, and he has to provide context to his story. So even without talking about the interview of the woman, the journalist asks to the readers to trust him when he cannot reveal where he got the information, who is the support group, where it is. According to the RTDNA Code of Ethics, “Journalism verifies, provides relevant context”, the SPJ Code of Ethics explains the same, the journalist always has to give context to the reader. He should go to the simplest and only interview this support group; he should also try to interview another association, psychologists. He should also go the Planned Parenthood and to some hospitals, and ask them if they have noticed that the sexual assault rate has increased in the
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