Sexual Assault On Campus Analysis

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In Richard Pérez-Peña’s New York Times article “1 in 4 Women Experience Sex Assault on Campus”, the grim reality of sexual assault on college campuses is analyzed though new, startling statistics. Over twenty percent of female college seniors have experienced sexual assault while under the influence, and over thirteen percent of those seniors experienced penetration or attempted oral sexual assault. This data is significant because it is higher than the same survey conducted by the Association of American Universities in previous years, which proves that the number of sexual assaults on college campuses is growing every year. The article mentions that three fourths of all sexual assaults go unreported, so the figures presented are likely even more drastic in reality. This article also brings up a strong point about how the actions taken against sexual assault in colleges have not been effective, since the number of cases are steadily growing instead of declining. Action was even ineffective in the highest office of our country; last year, President Obama signed a White House task force to the issue to press college administrators to enforce strict anti-sexual assault policies. Congress is falling under fire for allowing colleges and universities to only loosely enforce these policies. The…show more content…
I agree with the article’s strong condemnation of Congress for not enforcing any penalties to colleges who failed to instill new sexual assault education programs or colleges who failed to report their sexual assault statistics to the government. I like how the articled criticized critics of the study for claiming that only penetration should be used in sexual assault statistics. The article says that any form of unwanted sexual advances can mentally damage students, and therefore should be included in the

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