Shutter Fraternities For Young Women's Good Summary

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In Shutter Fraternities for Young Women's Good, Caitlyn Flanagan starts off with a story about a girl named Liz Seccuro going to fraternities’ party in 1984. The young girl was given one of the frat houses “Specialty drinks” and then after the drugs that were put in her drink set in she was lead to a bedroom and was raped. Liz Seccuro did not find out for over 20 years what actually happened to her that night until she finally received a letter from her rapist. Of course many will disagree on the grounds that men in fraternities are just about drinking, drugging, ESPN watching and the sexual mistreatment of women like Caitlyn Flanagan quotes, but with the evidence that keeps coming up it is hard to see it any other way. Flanagan says the only way to give woman a fair opportunity is to shut down fraternities for good. Another incident happened at Yale University. The fraternities were promoting a sexual chant, "No Means Yes! Yes Means Anal!” Flanagan’s question for the reader is “Can the mere presence of slur-chanting fraternity men really create an environment that robs young women of equal opportunity to education?” To answer Caitlyn Flanagan’s question, “Can the mere presence of slur-chanting fraternity men really create an environment that robs…show more content…
Of course college students are going to drink, but being in fraternity the guys are so focused on drinking that they binge drink. Binge drinking is drinking alcoholic beverages with the primary intention of becoming intoxicated by heavy consumption of alcohol over a short period of time. Drinking excessively seems to come out of college guys more than any other group of people because they don’t want to no look masscult in front of their friends. Binge drinking may lead to health problems, unprotected sex, and could even lead to death with alcohol

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