Violence Against Women Case Study

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1.1. Introduction Violence against women has been recognised as a significant social issue at the global level and has received considerable attention. This is because violence against women has involved both social and economic costs. Economic costs include the value of goods and services for treating and preventing violence whereas, it imparts emotional costs from the social point of view (Social Policy and Development Centre, Karachi, Pakistan, 2012). In India, the crime against women had got significant attention due to continuously increasing trends during 2008-12 and as reported by NCRB, the reported incidents of crime against women had increased by 6.4 percent during 2012. But this reported figure does not reflect the actual reality (Gupta, 2014).…show more content…
The stringent laws and stricter punishments are important to deter people from committing rape, perhaps the most violent crime against women, but the actual solution to this problem is much more than just promulgation, (Himabindu, et al., 2014). There exist a positive association between crime and urbanization and the negative association between opportunities for employment and higher literacy rate (Chaudhuri, et al., 2015). Thus, faster rate of urbanization, the lower rate of work participation rate and lower female literacy rate may increase crime committed against women. After the “Nirbhaya” rape case of 16 December 2012, the definition of rape was reframed in the ‘Criminal Law (Amendment) Act, 2013’. In the ‘Criminal Law (Amendment) Act, 2013’ under the IPC section 375 the crime ‘rape or more broadly, sexual assault’ is redefined and the punishment for such crime is also stated under the IPC section 376. But unfortunately, the situation didn’t change so much. As pointed out by “Crime in India 2015”, rape alone covers 1.2 percent of the total cognizable IPC crimes in 2015. Considering
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