Service Quality In Airline Industry

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INTRODUCTION The last 50 years, new concepts had appeared in the management which is called quality. Quality is a new emerged method and still enjoys continuous dominant in the management field. For instance to comprehend this concept service quality, first we should have to understand the basic concepts before we applied. Anderson et al. (1994) this author explains approximately the quality in every single perspective regarding on the firms, including the problems that the customers are facing. It means the author wants to view quality concepts based on the customer’s perspective as well as the firm’s perspectives. In the perspective of the customer we know that customers are required to obtain a real good quality product to purchase in that…show more content…
A number of researchers have applied service quality related theories and methods in the airline industry. Although examining the customer satisfaction of service attributes has potentially great utility for airline managers, the effects of customer loyalty of airline service quality has not been fully investigated in previous airline service studies especially in Malaysia. Since investigating the effects of airline service quality to customer loyalty is an important factor for airline marketers to develop their marketing strategies, it is considered as an important variable in this…show more content…
As a full service carrier (FSC), MAS follows a differentiation strategy and charges a fare premium. In contrast, Air Asia uses a cost leadership strategy. Due to their different strategic positioning, Air Asia and MAS differ in their customer value propositions as well as target market segments. No matter how excellent the service a company delivers, every company still makes mistakes in meeting the expectations of today’s customers, who tend to be more demanding and less loyal than ever before. Bitner (1993) argues that due to the unique nature of services, it is impossible to ensure 100 percent error-free service. Even the most customer-oriented organization with the strongest quality program is still unable to eliminate all service failures (Del Rı´o-Lanza et al., 2009). Therefore, failures in service delivery represent a significant challenge for every service organization. Previous research findings have confirmed that product and service failures can lead to many undesirable consequences for

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