Airline Image Analysis

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Airline image is considered as a variable that influences Malaysian undergraduates’ preferences in selecting airlines industry because of the strength that lies in the undergraduates’ perception and mindset when hearing the name of the airline. Sarstedt, Wilczynski and Melewar, (2012) said that corporate image is an important field for the airline industry to increase their profit, maintaining customers relationship, attracting new customers and survival in the market share. Customers’ perception of services offered and customers’ choice of airline can influence by corporate image (Okeudo & Chlkwendu, 2013). Therefore it is very important to understand the role of airline image in the undergraduate’s preferences decision. Besides that, a corporate…show more content…
First, in the Hierarchy of Needs Theory, created by Abraham Maslow, Psychologist of Brandeis University explained that the basic need is the instinct of people, by consisting one of the need which are safety and security need. People require safety from threats, protection, security of objects, anxiety and pain. Many researchers Annie, Norman and Chris (2008) said any amount of service cannot replace with safety. Therefore, it is essential for airline companies have an image of being safe. As cited by Campbell and Vigar (2012) mention that ‘safety should not be a differentiator, but in fact a prerequisite for competition’, in other words consumers see this attribute as a minimum requirement for any companies operating in the airlines industry. For airlines with a superior safety record, one suggestion like a reinforcement and reminder to travellers by channels of newspapers and specialized travel magazines as their promotional kits could stress their…show more content…
They explained that some people considered airline travel threatening, and boarding an airplane was a life-and-death issue; hence safety and security needs were critical. Some passengers are hardly able to assess actual safety levels even though they are aware of the general efforts to make air travel safe. They therefore resort to proxy measures of safety, such as an airline’s service quality or draw conclusions about a flight’s safety based on their perceptions of an aircraft’s appearance or the intensity of the security checks at the airport (Christian, Marko & Lorenz,

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