Serial Killer Research Paper

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Have you ever wanted to be a serial killer? For protecting the world, for money, for power or to taste the pleasure of putting an end to someone’s life. Serial killers are the people who kill three or more people with same method in more than 30 days. These methodes are; some serial killers are impressed by stories or movies. Some of them cook dead body after killed victim, then they distribute this food to his/her friends. Some of them kill people without cause. When they kill sufferer, they take pleasure. When some of them grow up, they kill victim with this method, because when they were a child, they were exposed to violence by their families. Some of them think victim is harmful to society, so they kill victim. They continue to kill…show more content…
These people hear some voices. They have not connection with real life. They are not interested in trait of a victim. Victim can be anyone. Some of them kill people because they think that devil orders to do it. Some of them believe the world that they have imagined in their heads. For example Richard Trenton Chase. He had obsessed about Nazis. He tried to get rid of them through life. According to his opinion Nazis had injected virus to him. If Chase is not regularly injected blood yourself, this virus will kill him. First time Richard Chase had kill animals that are very easy to find like rabbits, chickens, cats and dogs… Then he began to inject yourself to their blood with a syringe. After some time these animals was not enough to him. He began to kill people. He had a desire of kill. This desire was caused to kill six people in one month. These six people had not connection with each other. One of them is Ambrose Griffin. He was 51 years old. He had two children. One of them is a neighbor who is witnesses of the incident. She was 38 years old. After he killed she, he killed her child too. Her child was 6 years old. This type of serial killer kill with different ways. Chase crushed Griffin with car. He killed neighbor with three lead. Her child name is Jason. Jason's body was hung on the wall near the church by Chase. As can be seen from this example this type of serial killers live in a dream world. Generally they have a schizophrenic

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