Racism In To Kill A Mockingbird And The Help

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Kathryn Stockett once said “You is Kind. You is smart. You is important.” The Help tells about Skeeter living at a time when African American maids work in White households in Mississippi. To Kill a Mockingbird tells of a young tomboy named Scout caught in the center of serious issues of rape and racial inequality. They both are set in the South during times of segregation where Blacks and Whites lived in separate communities. Both of these women in To Kill a Mockingbird and The Help challenge society through expression of their opposition towards racism, classism, and sexism and both are driven by those forces they oppose because of how society and individuals want them to act. Both of these women struggled with society's conforms and norms…show more content…
In The Help, Skeeter faces society with her opposition towards racism, classism, and sexism. Skeeter faces racism when she finds out that they install different bathrooms for ‘The Help’, which were essentially outside of a shack as opposed to inside a shack, she automatically questions it because ‘The Help’ are beaten if they use indoor restrooms (The Help). Classism is there because there is a difference between The Help and the “regular” class, not only because of their race, but their rank as a maid. Racism divides the two classes as well because blacks are seen as non-superior because of their rank as The Help and this effect is seen with bathrooms. As far as what Skeeter does, she opposes it at first because she questions it, but later on, she writes The Help. Additionally, Skeeter faces sexism herself when her mother plays against her because she mentions problematic relationships (The Help). Because she is a woman, she is expected to follow the path that involves a guy and live out the rest of one’s fantasy, but when Skeeter does not do so, she is bothered by her mother. What this also shows is that Skeeter, like Scout, is treated not as an equal because all what Skeeter did was just to be focused on her career and as a result, her ‘romantic’ moments with Stuart are rather
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