Self-Regulated Learning Strategies

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The Purposed of this study was to analyze to self –regulated learning skill in mathematics at secondary level. The self-regulated learning skills were metaconition, motivation, self-efficacy, interest and test anxiety. The objective of this study were to investigate the level of the self- regulated learning skills in public and private school students towards mathematics and analyze to gender differences of self-regulated learning skills among private and government school students. For analyzing the self-regulation learning strategies data was collected from 300 students to study and analyze different self regulated learning strategies. The sample selected for this study consist of total students 300, were selected from 150 government school…show more content…
For example, they focus on enhancing their learning performance, employ self-regulatory strategies, give themselves feedback and improve their learning based on that feed back. Learning goals, make their learning plans, choose their learning strategies, monitor their learning processes, evaluate their learning outcomes and suppress interference. The importance of self-regulated learning lies in providing students with successful experience in order to enhance their intrinsic motivation and promote their self-regulation ability (Boekaerts, Pintrich&Zeidner, 2000). Therefore, the establishment of a theoretical framework of self-regulated learning and the development of relevant teaching strategies are both helpful in terms of promoting students' ability in learning to learn. He believes that self-regulated learning is a process in which learners actively participate to some extent in their own learning in terms of metacognition, motivation and action. He also proposes a model of self-regulated learning in order to illustrate how learners actively employ specific strategies in their study to achieve the course objectives, based on their own willingness, motivation and…show more content…
Lev Vygotsky (1896–1934) believed that people and their cultural environments constitute an interacting social approach. By way of their communications and actions humans in kid's environments instruct kids tools (e.G., language, symbols) wanted for constructing competence. By using these tools inside the social method, novices enhance greater-level cognitive features reminiscent of situation solving and self-legislation. Self-regulated finding out to involve the coordination of such mental techniques as memories, planning, synthesis, and analysis. These coordinated strategies don't operate independently of the context in which they are fashioned. A student's self-regulated studying procedures reflect these which might be valued and taught within the tradition of the student's house and school. Self-evaluations of progress help students focus on self-regulation processes and can raise their motivation and self-efficacy for continuing to improve. Research shows that allowing students to periodically evaluate their learning capabilities raises their self-efficacy, motivation to self-regulate, and use of self-regulated learning strategies. A particularly effective approach is to give students a learning process goal (e.g., learn to use a strategy to solve problems) and allow them to self-evaluate their capabilities for using the strategy

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