Relative Ethics In Hinduism

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Question 1: 326 Words Religion has text that says how things are and how things should be. In Hinduism, we have the four stages of life: student, householder, forest dweller, and the final stage which is renunciation. Renunciation involves you permanently leaving your family and relationships, which in other words is social death. It can happen before or after marriage through a ritual called Diksa. Diksa is where you separate yourself from your identity, and you officially become a renouncer once the ritual is done. For a Hindu renouncer, it is critical to maintain your reputation as a renouncer by relying on your relationships with people. This way, people are able to feed you since you cannot cook for yourself based on the two parts of renunciation:…show more content…
He trained from a very young age to be a warrior king rather than an Arhat, where Arhats are known as enlightened teachers. His parents did not allow him to leave his castle walls. One day, he decided to leave the castle walls where he began to realize there is more to life outside the bubble he lived in. He was not happy being restricted, and decided to tell his parents that he wants to be a renouncer. He was able to avoid the obstacles and distractions that tried to take over his new approach to life as a renouncer, but he achieves enlightenment. Guatama’s change in role goes to show the shift in relative ethics, which is so significant that he taught his enlightenment for the rest of his life, and his teachings are still taught and highly recognized even after his death. In regards to universal ethics, the Eightfold Path provides the “basic instructions” for living as a Buddhist. The Eightfold Path helps let go of the illusion of permanence and it involves: seeing, thinking, speaking, action, livelihood, effort, mindfulness, and meditation. As you progress through the stages, the roles begin to change which thus leads to a change in ethical…show more content…
It is attracted to the jiva by the actions of the jiva. Karma in Jain is more material than Hinduism, and it is taught through the oldest theological and philosophical text called Tattvartha Sutra. The strongest thing about Jains compared to Hindus is that they all share the same karma theory, while the latter argue about the theory all the time. Karma in Jainism also includes thinking, speaking, and action, in addition to the stickiness coming from mental states attached to the soul. For example, if you have karma when you die then your soul won’t fly, which goes to show the importance of having a peaceful death. If you achieve enlightenment and don’t die, then you are an Arhat, which is a Karmic experience. One of the signs of getting close to enlightenment is that you don’t get sick and need less food. Jains are born as a result of their

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