Self Regulated Learners

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Self-regulated learners possess features that distinguish them from non-self-regulated peers. They are not passive; rather, they are active in the sense that they know their own strengths and weaknesses, and when needed, they are able to seek and access information which is conducive to learning (Zimmerman, 1990). Similarly, Carneiro et al. (2011), define Successful self-regulated learners as those who recognize a need to learn, make wise choices in relation to that need, and satisfy that need efficiently and affordably. Considering the fact that teachers can be described (Wolters, 2010) as constructive and active participants, we will ensure that they follow the four phases of SRL: • Forethought. Planning, goal setting and prior knowledge…show more content…
The first strategy is to prepare and structure the learning environment that is, teachers can help students to eliminate sources of distraction before or in the course of learning process. Secondly, by providing outlines or advance organizers, teachers can structure learning materials or they can teach students to improve the physical setting of the learning environment themselves. Thirdly, it has been indicated that effectively monitoring the progress of the learning process leads to the quality of learning. The last but not the least, models or performance standards help students to evaluate their current performance to the standard of the model. For instance, model exams may assist students to recognize what they have learnt and needs further…show more content…
It is difficult, but is possible. Technology Enhanced Learning Environments (TELEs) may have the advantage of facilitating self-regulated learning and may at the same time fitting a student’s strengths and weaknesses. The vast body of research on self-regulated learning has indicated that self-regulated learning can be improved through traditional teaching and training (Zimmerman & Schunk, 1998). However, complementary studies are needed to elucidate to what extent self-regulated learning can be improved by technology enhanced learning environments, specifically in policy-relevant contexts. Klauer & Leutner (2007) suggest that the new media in the context of learning and instruction refers to the use of the Information and Communication Technologies for the purpose of learning and teaching. According to them, the new media have at least one of the following

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