Development Policy Definition

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Development policy is defined as developmental policies which are aimed at successfully empowering people to exercise choices to have a say on the quality of life they would like to maintain. Sustainable development’s objective is to empower people to motivate them by becoming self-sustaining improvement in medium- to long-term life quality. This implies having a necessary logical systematic integration of development initiatives, resulting in a structural, functional and cultural consolidation of a new way of life. It culminated in the creation of a developmental culture in society, and it does not focus only on short-term progress towards empowerment for increasing of quality of life, but also long-term durability of those higher standards…show more content…
The characteristics of development policy 4.1 Policy statement – Policy statement, also known as the “why” of public policy. The implementation of public policy was not only intended to focus only on problems that require attention, but it is also concerned with the fact that a policy statement indicates the intentions, goals and values of government. 4.2 Policy activities – According to Kotze and Du Plessis (2015:12) “Policy activities refer to the “how” of policy: how resources should be allocated, how services should be provided or how actions should be regulated”. Actors in a political system act on policy matters that arise as a result of a demand made on the government. The demands made vary from a general insistence this then requires the government to “do something” to a proposal for specific action on a specific issue. Such demands expect the public servants to take a role of policy decisions that would authorize policy action or give it direction and content. 4.3 Policy outputs – According to Theodore Lowi (2009) policy intends to achieve outputs. Through policy, government should be able to demonstrate what they say into action and not only rely on what they intent to do. Policy outputs can aim to the…show more content…
Distributive policies are cooperative and are usually concerned with benefiting as many people as possible. In 2002, the Department of Education adopted the revised National Curriculum statement, that intended to develop the full potential of all learners as citizens of a democratic South Africa to establish lifelong learners who are confident and independent, liberate, numerate and multi-skilled. 4.3.2 Redistributive – This policy means that resources are moved to those in the most need for such involvement. Redistributive policies may lead to partisan disputes. In South Africa, government grants are example of social redistributive policies. These grants include (old age grant, the disability grant and the child support grant) this is designed to differentiate between the “deserving poor” from the “non-deserving

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