Milk Value Chain Analysis

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Research Proposal Title: Analysis of milk value chain in Sendafa 1. CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION This chapter provides an overview of milk sector in Ethiopia, by exploring the current government strategy towards revitalizing the sector, while the focus of the research will take a value chain approach to identify the constraints, opportunities and some of possible interventions and strategies to improve the milk value chain, to contextualization the section opens with an overview of the country perspective and then narrows down the issue to study area. Introduction Ethiopia holds the largest livestock population in Africa estimated to about 52.13 million cattle, 24.2 million sheep and 22.6 million goats (CSA, 2012). The major species used for…show more content…
The demand for milk is even expected to grow more as Ethiopia’s population of 93,815,992 (CAI World Fact Book, 2012) expands and demographic changes result in an increasingly urbanized population, the fastest-urbanizing country in Africa with 4.3 percent growth per year, has unmet demand for milk and milk products. In order to meet the growing demand in Ethiopia, milk production has to grow at least at a rate of 4% per annum (Azage…show more content…
It is approximately 2541meters above sea level and It has a moderate temperature with principal rainy season during June, July and August. The population of Sendafa is about 12,298 of which 51.82% or 6373 are male and 48.18% or 5,925 are female (CSA, 2007). Out of these, 84.15% are Ethiopian Orthodox Christianity and 11.38% Muslim. The town was founded in 1935, and got municipal status in 1979. The town has Development Plan which was prepared in 2008. Ethiopian Police training College and the Sendafa military camp are the major public institutions. The town has one high school, which started enrolling students in 1987. It has relatively moderate technological facilities as compared to other towns of the same size in its

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