Harley Davidson Marketing Innovation Analysis

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Marketing innovation focused on internal transformation, technological transformation and gearing towards the future. Marketing Innovation in case of GoPro its synergy, statrategy that perfectly complemet product of orgainiztion. For Harley Davidson marketing innovation is potency of brand community. One thing which creates bond between all maketing strategies is innovation for example effective Digital Marketing which entails that product or brand have the capability to adapt changes of the market, create and implement new creative concepts and opportunities. Jacob Goldenberg explained in his book "Cracking the Ad Code". Marketing innovation needs eight types prototype that are rooted in award- winning commercials.That’s Unification, Activation, Metaphor, Subtraction, Extreme Consequence, Absurd Alternative,…show more content…
As per theory of Porter’s Generic Competitive Strategies if profitability is in the long run is sustainable competitive advantage. Which depends on two types low cost (cost leadership) or differentiation.For example, 2013 in air conditioner industry LG uses cost leadership strategy (best value strategy) by offering more features and benefits (2 year Warranty) than its competitors. In opinoin of Kotler (1997) the combination of 4Ps (product price, place, promotion) is the most important part of marketing strategy. Business reasearcher and strategy developer should plan their strategy with look at the marketing mix of brand. Which help to develop a new product as per cstomer needs, increase product portfolio and business, help to be dynamic and create differentiation. Samsung is the largest tech business by revenue and sixth most valuable brand today.Timely marketing strategy placement helped Samsung to become leading Technology Company. In this digital transformation era Samsung has glowed in terms of

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