Role Of Media In Social Media

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Harnessing Social Media As A Knowledge Management Tool Abstract— This paper will discuss the use of social media as a knowledge management tool and examples of using them generally at the organization. Keywords— Social media; Knowledge management tool; Knowledge sharing I. INTRODUCTION Using the social media as communication medium has become a new trend in communities since last several years. The social media group is predicted to become larger by introducing new applications and new gadgets which can be used for daily communication. Social media tools and platforms which are fully supported by Web 2.0 technologies are used to establish connection in reaching friends, family members, colleagues,…show more content…
There are variety of social media tools such as blogs, chat rooms, discussion forums, social networking websites, video sharing websites, photo sharing websites, and social collaborative websites. These tools provide both interactivity and collaborative opportunities. As a result, social media has been used by people and organizations globally and it has a vital role in knowledge management. The use of social media technology is to collect, store and disseminate knowledge to the right people, at the right time, at the right place, and in the right format. It also can be seen as an enabler for efficient knowledge management processes. Yates & Paquette (2011) claimed that social media has started to become the new technology for knowledge management. Knowledge management is crucial in providing the right knowledge to the right people. Peter Drucker (1999) defined knowledge management as to coordinate and to utilize the organizational knowledge in order to bring competitive advantages for the organization. It is to ensure an organization can learn, use and retrieve its knowledge assets from both employee and the organization. II. SOCIAL MEDIA According to Kaplan & Haenlein (2010), social media is defined as a collection of internet-based application which is built using the Web 2.0 base ideology…show more content…
These are useful to peers and employees of the organization. Any learned lesson or relevant experience must be added. Available contextual information such as images, related stories, audios, videos, or electronic document are added to increase the context information of the described experience. Relevant discussion between staff or employees of the organization must be conducted on the system chat or a community forum. In this case, the organization has the possibility to store the entire chat content and able to publish this conversation so others employees can have access. The knowledge created is automatically stored and documented for further usage.

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