Milk Value Chain

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Research Proposal Title: Analysis of milk value chain in Sendafa CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION This chapter provides an overview of milk sector in Ethiopia, by exploring the current government strategy towards revitalizing the sector, while the focus of the research will take a value chain approach to identify the constraints, opportunities and some of possible interventions and strategies to improve the value chain, for purposes of contextualization, the section opens with an overview of the country perspective and narrows down the issue to Sendafa town. Introduction Ethiopia holds the largest livestock population in Africa estimated to about 52.13 million cattle, 24.2 million sheep and 22.6 million goats (CSA, 2012). The major species used…show more content…
Literature search will be done for online information using Google scholar and the WUR online Library search engines. The sources of information shall include scientific text books, online scientific Journals and publications, Ph.D. Thesis and other research work by educational institutions, publications and reports of International organizations, proceedings of seminars and symposia, government or MAAIF departmental reports and publications, national statistics and internet. The search strategy for the identification of literature to be used will include the following key words; Milk camel milk supply, marketing, marketing…show more content…
The study had tried to identify some important and policy relevant variables in smallholders’ participation and supplies by smallholders in the chain. This will contribute to the overall regional and national efforts aimed at poverty reduction and food security and subsequently fostering development in the country’s strategy framework of agricultural development led-industrialization. Moreover, it can be used as a reference document, especially, by those interested in milk marketing in the district. Data analysis Both qualitative and quantitative data analysis will be carried out. Most of the data will be analyzed using SSPS version 22. This involves simple descriptive statistics such as mean, amount of milk produced and marketed during dry and wet season and etc. chi-square test will be used to determine differences among 30 surveyed levels of significance of different variables household heads for parameters such as type of income and expenditure, factors contributing choice of their marketing channels. Research Planning • The assignment will take 3 months. Three weks for developing the proposal (conceptual
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