Scientific Method

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The scientific method has been debated over the years if it is correct or if there even is a step by step method. Even though it might take a while for a specific scientific method to be determined there is still a process in science. It takes many essential ideas or must haves in science to understand science and experiment the various fields of science. Some are more important than others but if you take away just a few of even the smallest of ideas, the scientific process is no longer useful when experimenting. Most of the ideas fit under a main idea or category while others could make up a group of their own. However, the one thing they all have in common is that they help us understand science more each day. Gathering data is a huge…show more content…
The most important concept is creativity, there needs to be unregulated thinking with outside the box ideas. Curiosity goes hand in hand with this because all humans are curious but it's the ones that embrace the curiosity are the ones that go far. Much more will be accomplished with open mindedness then someone who has the average thought or believed in just one way like the universal method in science. It's clear that there isn't one and is different for every experiment you conduct, that's why a critical thinker will succeed when they adjust their method based on the problem. Another great idea to keep in mind is patience, discoveries don't happen overnight and it's better to learn that sooner than later. Also, skepticism and scientific tentativeness plays a big role in the mind of a scientist and can be the difference between small or large scale discovery. This means in simpler terms that if you think you found the answer don't settle there, check it and keep looking for more. The next idea may seem elementary but cannot be neglected, developing a hypothesis and using a problem solving method. Before attacking any problem it is best to develop a way of how you're going to solve the problem then coming up with a educated guess of the outcome. Lasty, a scientist must be aware of society and understand what is morally or…show more content…
The first step to this process is peer review and editing, it is always smart to get a second opinion on the problem. With two people collaborating you can generate other ideas that you couldn't do alone that would be useful. Next is replicability, when a conducting an experiment for it to be valid another scientist must be able to replicate it. When a scientist is explaining their procedure and work they have to be able to tell another scientist exactly how they carried out the procedure.Lastly generating new ideas that interest other scientist is important. Sometimes experiments are physically and financially demanding and may need outside help so that is why it is key to interest other scientist that might be willing to help. Once you have a little help here and there it steamrolls to a full community and with that much support you can do almost anything. That is why collaboration is so important and can not be skipped during the scientific
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