The Pros And Cons Of Intelligent Design Theory

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The United States for its entire history has been divided on what constitutes right behavior. On one side are the orthodox groups, who see morality as permeant and unchanging, while on the other are progressives, who believe morality can change as a culture develops. This conflict is better known as the U.S. Culture War, and one of the cornerstones of this debate is around evolution. This can be seen in the Scopes Monkey Trial or the 2005 Kansas evolution hearings. Here, the progressives support evolutionary theory, originally developed by Charles Darwin in the nineteenth century, while the orthodox support intelligent design theory. The latter contend that the two are equally valid theories. However, does this hold up to scrutiny? Intelligent design theory is not a scientific theory because it does not meet any of the criteria for a scientific theory. Before one can demonstrate intelligent design is not a scientific theory, one must first determine what constitutes a scientific theory. According to Steven D. Schafersman, a scientific theory is “a unifying and self-consistent explanation of fundamental natural processes or phenomena that is totally constructed of corroborated hypotheses”. That is to say, a scientific theory is the result of numerous applications of the scientific method. The…show more content…
While CSI can be empirically observed, its claims regarding the nature of the physical universe cannot. An intelligent designer cannot be physical, as this designer would be responsible for the design of him/her/itself. Therefore, intelligent design theory’s claims regarding the existence of designer cannot be independently corroborated with sensual information and is thus not empirical. This alone does not disprove intelligent design theory, since there are many scientific phenomena, like gravity and general relativity, that cannot be directly sensed, yet can be deduced using logical

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