School Lunches Research Paper

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Many students will say their favorite part of the school day is lunch. Unfortunately, this is not true for all students. Lunch may be the only daily meal some students receive. For these underprivileged students and athletes, the small proportions and poor quality do not satisfy their hunger. Not only do many students remain hungry, but the unwelcoming lunchroom environment also causes students to feel poorly. School lunch should be a positive experience and a time for students to socialize. However, school lunches cause hunger because of their small proportions, poor quality, and the unwelcoming lunchroom environment. One problem with school lunches is the size of the servings. School lunches need to be proportionate to the students being served. Athletes will need to consume larger amounts of food than kindergarten students. High school students may also need adult sized portions instead of child size portions. When the proportions are the same for all students, many students remain hungry. Not only do small proportions negatively affect high school students; but small servings also negatively affect underprivileged students. It is a known fact that in America many children go hungry every day. School lunches could be a…show more content…
Many schools only serve one choice of meat, vegetables, and fruits. Students with food allergies and students who may not like the food will not eat their lunches. Also, a lack of flavor and seasoning will cause students to avoid eating. For example, one lunchroom serves unseasoned instant potatoes mixed with water. As schools try to provide healthier lunches, flavor is being sacrificed for health which is not necessary. Healthy cooking shows and health food companies are proving that healthy foods can be delicious. Schools can meet the dietary needs of all students by providing a variety of tasty items to choose

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