Mental Health Councilor Research Paper

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A counselor has a college education and is trained in providing advice to people. The main focus is one’s learning to work therapeutically with adults, children, or specific groups such as those living with addictive behaviors. A councilor must show personable and professional skills when working with clients. Good counselors must listen effectively to their clients. They must also facilitate the process of the client working through his thoughts and feelings about a situation. A councilor can help his clients pinpoint issues, express emotion, accept what can’t be changed, and offer ways to change what can be. There are many types of licensed counselors that provide help and guidance to individuals and families. There are marriage and…show more content…
These councilors work closely with psychiatrists, psychologists, and other healthcare providers to meet the needs of their clients. Mental health councilors also work with clients suffering difficulties in areas outside diagnosable mental health disorders such as helping people cope with difficult life events. These events may including dealing with suicide attempts, stress related issues, grief, substance abuse, and career or educational decisions. There is an increase need for highly trained counselors in this field. Training in several therapies is important for treating the client as a whole. Author Kirsten Amis has provided information regarding councilor training. In her publication she informs us that mental health councilors must be familiar with expressive therapy, or art therapy, dialectical behavioral therapy, rational emotive behavior therapy, and cognitive behavioral therapy. Mental health councilors must also be good at setting professional boundaries. Under-involvement and over-involvement blur the lines of professionalism with the client. The autonomy of the client is in jeopardy when the councilor is seen as a friend, because the client may begin to depend heavily on the councilor for advice and direction. Under-involvement on the other hand, will put strain on trust, communication, and openness in the councilor-client relationship. (Amis 48) The councilor must be able to discern when these hindrances are taking place, and adjust accordingly. A common method to combat blurred boundaries are contracts, which are used heavily in the mental health area of counselling. Contracts are informal exchanges of information between the councilor and the client that includes a description of the councilor’s job, the client’s situation, setting professional boundaries, as well as addressing any confidentiality concerns. (Amis

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