Advantages And Disadvantages Of Global Governance

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D. DISCUSSION Despite all of the potential benefits it may offer, data revolution also comes with several challenges that need to be taken into serious consideration. Since it is an interdisciplinary issue that needs to be governed differently, the question lies in addressing the challenges of mobilizing and coordinating the global actors in implementing data revolution sustainably. As we may know already, data revolution introduces new ways of data collection where individuals can also get the chance to participate in generating data. On one hand, it is indeed an effort to make sure that people’s rights to get identity and be included in the sustainable development are to be met. However, on the other hand, we must also not forget about other…show more content…
But then again, if partnerships really work the way as they are planned, then MDGs would have no issues related to reliable data provision because they also had a lot of partnerships built with nearly the same objectives. Therefore, considering that MDGs are proven to have faced numbers of setbacks, we need to look at the potential challenges of getting all of these different actors working together carefully. It tells us that we simply can’t depend only on the existing circumstances, or else it will result in increasing the inequality among countries. Karns and Mingst (2010, p. 33) mentioned three main challenges of global governance, which are legitimacy, accountability, and effectiveness. The three challenges are simply related to how those different actors work on the current issues, where legitimacy and accountability might influence the willingness of each actor to work based on existing rules or regulations, and effectiveness is simply the assessment of the overall global governance, of what works and what…show more content…
And often times, it would affect the decision made by actors involved in that matter. That’s why more people (for instance, civil society or individuals) became less attracted in joining the development effort. This would not happen if accountability is put in the first place. By being accountable throughout the projects, more actors would be more willing in cooperating with the

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