Growth Rate Of Tourism

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A glance at chart 2 reveals that there is more than double fold increase in domestic and foreign tourist arrivals from 2000 to 2014. The percentage of total tourist’s arrival in the state has increased from 2.61 in 2000 to 7.70 in 2014. But in the year 2005 we can see a negative growth rate in the tourist arrival. This can be further explored by comparing the compound growth rate of foreign tourist arrivals with the domestic tourist arrivals in the state and total tourist arrival as a whole. For this purpose, the semi-log equation is fitted and compound growth rates are estimated. The compound growth rates are presented in Table 4 In Kerala, the domestic tourist arrivals have increased at a rate of 5.8 per cent while…show more content…
Tourism as an Employment Driver As a human resource intensive industry, tourism’s greatest impact is on the generation of employment. Such employment generation may cover areas of direct interaction with the tourists, such as persons employed in hotels, airlines, tour operators, restaurants, retail, leisure and entertainment. However the employment impact spreads over a larger area of the economy, covering jobs associated with the input industries such as supplies, government agencies and manufactures of supplied commodities. Hence, the direct cascading effect on employment generation is significant. Tourism as a source of Employment is particularly important for areas with limited alternative sources of employment, as is often the case in non-industrial areas deficient in natural resources other than scenic attractions and climate. Tourism provides decent and productive workforce for the work force. Millions of people throughout the world now depend directly or indirectly for their employment on tourism. Such employment generation may cover areas of direct interaction with the…show more content…
During the period 1951 – 81, India achieved a compound growth rate of 16.2 per cent in foreign exchange earnings as against the world average of 13.5 per cent. During the year 2011 the foreign exchange earnings of India was 4221.99 crore (tourist statistics, 2011). India’s foreign exchange earnings grew by an astonishing 14.1per cent during 2001 – 10. This is the 3rd largest net earner of foreign exchange next to garments; gem and jewellers industry recording earnings of 1988.40 crore in 2006 crore (tourist statistics,2006) .Foreign exchange earnings for the year 2013 in the state is Rs 5,560.77 Crore which recorded an increase of 21.63 per cent over the previous year. However, the total foreign exchange earnings increased to 6398.93 crore in the year 2014 (Tourist Statistics,

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