Role Of Development Administration

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1. INTRODUCTION According to Raphaeli development administration is about projects, programs, policies and ideas that focus on development of a nation, with the point of view of socio-economic and socio-political development of society in general, carried out by talented and skilled bureaucrats (Keser & Kalyoncu 2017). In both theory and practice, the landscape of public administration has fundamentally changed in recent years in terms of unprecedented shifts in its ideological substructure, structural configuration, and normative tendency largely based on market-driven principles. Weidner stated that administrative development involves improving and enhancing administrative capabilities for achieving developmental goals (DeVries & Nemec…show more content…
At the conceptual level, several scholars grappled with providing working definitions and a locus for the field. The most widely read statements in the formative years were probably written by Riggs (1966, 1967, 1970, 1971, 1976a, 1976b), Gant (1979) and Waldo (1980). Weidner attempted to describe the developing area of interest in a holistic sense. He wrote, development administration in government refers to the processes of guiding an organization toward the achievement of progressive political, economic, and social objectives that are authoritatively determined in one manner or another(1962, p. 98). Riggs, on the other hand, pointed out that development administration typically referred to the ‘‘administrative means to achieve developmental goals’’ (Abbey, 2012).Weidner and Riggs explained development administration according to their…show more content…
During a period of 15 years following the end of World War II, in 1945, colony after colony threw off the imperial yoke. Country after country achieved independence and political autonomy. Development Administration is an inclusive approach towards development. Development is the ultimate goal and without development no administration can achieve anything (Naidoo,2009). It is for the people and not for the political leader of administrative environment. As the goals of administration became well defined development, the new approach can bridge the gap between different administrative theories. According to Dwivedi and Henderson (1990), development administration is a system of administration, which focuses on the relations between administration and economic development. Development administration focuses on the administrative problems of developing and developed nations (Bahar, Peterson and Taylor, 1996). Administration should not be meaningless, in other words it must have a meaning and be well understood. It will be supplemented with corresponding changes in a given area of attention and the Change should be positive as well as progressive in the long

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