Anti Social Behaviour In Childhood

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what it is to be a child. Every human goes through childhood however, despite such inevitably, according to Macdowall Clark (2010) the term childhood can be impossible to define. In the twenty first century we are all uncertain on how to respond to Becon`s (1550) question’s We do not all agree when childhood begins could it be at conception? At birth? At some point beyond babyhood? And we certainly do not know when it ends at puberty? When we leave home or school? Or when we are at an age to be criminally responsible? (Cunningham 2006). Tradition wise children are defined as individuals who are under the age of 18 and still depending on their parents. According to James and James (2008) even age is necessarily not helpful when it comes to defining…show more content…
Matters involving youth and disorder have existed and evolved through successive historical eras. According to Pearson (1983) the discourses relating to Anti-Social Behaviour became more common in the 1990s. The ASB was illegalised by The Crime and Disorder Act (1998) and defined in a manner that was likely to cause harassment. Anti-social behaviour in childhood also predicts a wide range of trouble some adult outcomes (Waiton, 2008). Kearn and Bannister (2009) have argued that negative attitudes towards young people can be viewed within the context of growing a public and political discourse of intolerance. An academic review of PASB argued that the negative stereotyping of young people occurred within the contexts of economic development, media representations and connectivity (Mackenzie et el, 2010). Risk and protective factors can be found in every area of a child`s adolescent life, they exert effects at different stages of development and they gain strength in numbers. The public health approach to the problem of youth violence seeks to identify risks and protective factors, determine where in the life course they typically occur and how they operate (Millie, 2006).In the United Kingdom children between the age of 10 and 17 can be arrested and taken into court if they commit a crime (,…show more content…
It was put in place to monitor the operation of the youth justice system and the provision of youth services (Blakeman, 2009). According to Smith (2007) this provision put the Board in an extremely powerful position in respect of local providers of youth justice Board. In Smith`s view it is not that nothing works indeed a wide range of interventions can be shown to have positive impact with some young people, some of the time. Almost all criminal cases against 10 to 17 year olds defendants begin and finish in the youth court (Goldson, 2012). It is right that children who commit crimes are dealt with differently from adults because children act impulsively and often do not appreciate their outcomes of their actions; as they are not emotionally developed may struggle to communicate effectively (Campbell, 2005). Juveniles may not understand the significance of questions asked and they may not be aware that their answers could get them into more trouble if n9ot careful. The requirement that when police interview an arrested juvenile or other vulnerable person, they may only be questioned in the presence of apparent or guardian (Ball and Macdonald, 2017).According to Chambers (2017) The abolition of the doli incapax is a mistake the current Government should rectify, it has led to a nation of young children being criminalised, that causes it to affect their future and ignoring childhood
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