Lord Of The Flies And Ishmael Beah Analysis

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The adolescents in William Golding’s Lord of the Flies and Ishmael Beah’s A Long Way Gone are entangled in chaotic situations that places them in vulnerable positions to commit dangerous acts of violence. In Golding’s novel, a cluster of boys are trapped on an unknown island caused by a fatal plane crash that leads to the lack of adult supervision, and the need for survival causes two leaders to emerge from the group: Jack and Ralph. Although Jack seemingly submitted to Ralph’s authority at the beginning after Ralph was announced the official chief over the boys, his manifesting desire to overpower thrives as the plot continues. The thick tension involving Jack and Ralph is ignited when the party of youngsters splits up into two individual…show more content…
Lord of the Flies only views that the impact from the desire to gain authority will only result negatively; however, A Long Way Gone offers a different approach by altering the effects positively. Following Piggy’s death, Jack’s reaction and actions show a clear intention to rid of Ralph’s power completely in order to grant himself the highest position over the boys through pretending that he was the cause of Roger’s actions and afterwards, launching a spear directly at Ralph. Ishmael Beah’s lucid illustration that expressed his emotions toward the enemy rebel forces resemble that of Golding’s claim as he ridicules the rebels’ torturous deaths. Further on in the memoir, after experiencing the process of being forgiven and learning how to forgive, Beah counteracts this claim by providing an example of his determination to use his wanting to become chosen in the UN interview for a favorable outcome that aids his country. In the two pieces of work, harming another seems to be the outcome from the hunger for power, but Golding’s perspective believes that the repercussion will only remain evil, while Beah implies that the conclusion can be changed in such a way that it becomes positive. Through contrasting instances in the two novels, the desire to conquer can be interpreted for the better or for the

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