Road Development In India

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CHAPTER NO. 4: ROLE OF ROAD DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMMES IN ROAD DEVELOPMENT IN INDIA Transport and communication is the basic infrastructure for economic development of a country. Highways and roads are regarded as arteries and veins of a State which are essential for sustainable economic growth. However, overestimation of the requirement and planning beyond the necessity of road transport would be delayed in the process of economic development of a region. The total road length of the NE region of India during 2001-2002 was 1,73261 kms against 2.4 kms per 1000 population of all India average. The economic development of India and her northeastern region was sound during the plan period of 200l-2002 at GDP growth rate of about 8 per cent.…show more content…
The impact is potentially most significant on two sectors: manufacturing and value-added agricultural production, that have failed to take off thus far despite the considerable inherent advantages that India enjoys. This is in addition to the direct impact on sectors such as iron and steel, cement and other construction materials, which stand to benefit directly from increased government spending on…show more content…
Thus, even within the existing framework, the private sector is expected to contribute approximately 33% of the total outlay. This share is expected to further increase during the 12th Plan, with the further liberalisation of existing regulations and the greater confidence fostered in the private sector (both domestic and foreign) as a result of the ‘demonstration effect’ from the successful completion of existing projects. In the 11th Plan, National Highways received 47% of the outlay, followed by state roads with 41% and rural roads with approximately 12% Despite considerable progress in road construction, both in terms of improving connectivity and the forward and backward linkages to the economy, much more needs to be done. The opportunities and challenges for the road sector in India in the days to come are as follows: • Multi-partisan agreement to develop the road sector in India on a priority basis, including rural roads. This assures policy continuity regardless of the government in power. • Rapid relinquishing by the state agencies as sole custodians of the sector, creating increasing space for private-sector participation. The government has liberalised sector rules considerably and actively encouraged private-sector

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