Should Home Schoolers Be Allowed To Play In Public School Sports Essay

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Write an essay that presents your opinion on a controversial issue of your choice (which needs to be approved by me). Consult various sources. Begin with a debatable thesis statement. Then follow the guidelines for writing an argument essay. As you write your essay, be sure you support your claims with well-chosen evidence. Please attach a copy or copy/paste your sources on OneNote, in class notes, before you turn it in. Name: Celine Bonifacio Date: 12/14/17 Period: 3 Final In my essay I will talk about home schoolers should not allowed to play in public school sports on my opinion I don’t think they should be allowed to play in public school sports because they don’t even know what happening in school, they don’t even know where school they play because they don’t go to school so why would they be allowed to play for, the student go to school their parent pay tax and the student in homeschool they dot pay tax, and they don’t know some student that play sport and what if they don’t fit to other people in their team, homeschool don’t have any experience on playing on school because they just stay home.…show more content…
The author of a should home schoolers be allowed to participate in public school sports her argument is she thinks that its right to not let homeschoolers play in the public sport because they don’t go school to participate on other sport or activity, and she said some people think school athletic should only play by the student go to school and homeschool, she talking about how other student think about homeschool play in public school "many people think that those students should not participate because they do not attend their government funded district public high school They think that school athletic funds should only be used for the students who are attending the school, and not for home

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