Essay On Road Maintenance

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Panchayatraj Institutions and Rural Road Maintenance Management System Prasannajit Shamrao Raut*, Prof.A.P.Khatri** *M.E. student, Construction Management, Department. Of Civil Engineering, TSSM Bhivarabai Sawant College of Engineering & research,Narhe,Pune,Maharashtra. **Assistant Professor, Department Of Civil Engineering, TSSM Bhivarabai Sawant College of Engineering & research,Narhe,Pune,Maharashtra. ABSTRACT- Rural roads consist of Village roads and other district roads. India has a vast rural road network. It comprises about 85 percent of the total road network. Rural roads are the last links in the transport network. However they are more important in terms of providing access to social and economic services to the rural population. Rural roads are means to promote and sustain agricultural growth, improve primary health and connect to market centers, hospitals, education hubs etc. This in turn expands rural growth opportunities and real income through which poverty can be reduced. However, these benefits would reduce substantially…show more content…
Maintenance of road means to keep the road in its original condition as it was constructed or renewed and fit for motorized traffic. Proper routine maintenance prevents the fast deterioration of road surface, which may lead to the periodic maintenance. Cost of routine maintenance is much less than and equal to the fraction of the periodic repairs, we may call the routine maintenance as a preventive measure and it is so easy and requires no expertise to carry out. Maintenance should begin as soon as road construction or improvement works are completed. Regular and timely maintenance increase the life of the road, prolonging date at which it needs to be reconstructed. This has many benefits, mainly it stretches the period over which the benefits of the investment made are available and therefore provides a higher rate of return on

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