Components Of Green Revolution

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MAJOR COMPONENTS OF GREEN REVOLUTION: 1. High Yielding Varieties (HYV) of seeds: The development of HYV seeds of wheat in 1960s and those of rice in 1969-70 laid the foundation for Green Revolution in India. Bandhu Das Sen has rightly remarked that they play the role of modernisers of agriculture like engines of change, capable of transforming a traditional farmer into a commercial producer. They act as part of steam engine (for industrial revolution) to ignite an agrarian revolution in poor countries. Thus the HYV programme brought about a major change—a transformation affecting almost every aspect of Indian agriculture. 2. Irrigation: Irrigation is the second most important component of Green Revolution technology after HYV seeds. Assured…show more content…
Prosperity of Farmers: With the increase in farm production the earnings of the farmers also increased and they became prosperous. This has, especially, been the case with big farmers having more than 10 hectares of land. 3. Reduction in import of food-grains: The main benefit of Green Revolution was the increase in the production of food-grains, as a result of which there was a drastic reduction in their imports. We are now self sufficient in food-grains and have sufficient stock. The per capita net availability of food-grains has also increased from 395 grams per day in early 1950s to the level of 436 grams in 2003, this in spite of the rapid increase in population. As a result, there will be relief from anxiety of food shortage and the planners will concentrate more on Indian planning. 4. Capitalistic Farming: Big farmers having more than 10 hectares of land have tended to get the maximum benefit from Green Revolution technology by investing large amount of money in various inputs like HYV seeds, fertilizers, machines, etc. This has encouraged capitalistic…show more content…
The eastern plains of the River Ganges in West Bengal also showed reasonably good results. But results were less impressive in other parts of India. The Green Revolution has created some problems mainly to adverse impacts on the environment. The increasing use of agrochemical-based pest and weed control in some crops has affected the surrounding environment as well as human health. Increase in the area under irrigation has led to rise in the salinity of the land. Although high yielding varieties had their plus points, it has led to significant genetic erosion. ECONOMIC RESULTS OF THE GREEN REVOLUTION: (1) Crop areas under high-yield varieties needed more water, more fertilizer, more pesticides, fungicides and certain other chemicals. This spurred the growth of the local manufacturing sector. Such industrial growth created new jobs and contributed to the country's GDP. (2) The increase in irrigation created need for new dams to harness monsoon water. The water stored was used to create hydro-electric power. This in turn boosted industrial growth, created jobs and improved the quality of life of the people in

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