Importance Of Infrastructure

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Introduction to Infrastructure: Infrastructure word was formed as a compound English word. Infrastructure refers to prefix Infra which means “below, underneath” and structure means something made up of a number of parts that are held or put together in a particular way. The infrastructure is the basic foundation or underlying framework of an organization or system. In your house, the infrastructure can be the system of walls, beams and the foundation that keeps it standing on the surface of earth. To information technology, infrastructure includes all things that support the flow and processing of information. Infrastructure is a collection of physical or virtual resources that supports an overall IT environment like network storage and server…show more content…
Central government's shipping ministry take care the major ports and nine coastal states administer the minor and intermediate ports. These nine coastal states are Andhra Pradesh, Orissa, West Bengal, Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Karnataka, Goa, Maharashtra and Gujarat. Several of these 200 minor and intermediate ports have been identified by the respective governments to be developed, in a phased manner, a good proportion of them involving public–private partnership. Importance of Ports in India India has approx 7517 kms long coastline and at present has 12 major ports (of which 11 are operational and the 12th is under construction). There are 148 minor ports in which only 30 handle cargo. Approx 95% of India‘s foreign trade by weight/volume and about 70% by value involve transportation by sea. During the first 25 years after independence, aggregate traffic grew moderately from 20 million tonnes in 1950 to 67 million tonnes in 1975, the main commodities handled were crude oil and iron ore. However, after the policy liberalization and opening up of the economy in ninties, there has been a significant increase in India's maritime trade. Containerization of general cargo, which started late in India in comparison with other Asian economies,also shown a steady increase and is currently around 10% of all…show more content…
The port sector is growing at a fine pace and is expected to grow at around 7.6 % till 2015 in terms of cargo handling. But Indian port sector is lagging behind its world competitors and counterparts.. Port infrastructure in India is not as good as other ports across the world. Indian trade faces challenges due to inefficient port services. The cost-inefficiency of the cargo and also non-competitiveness of the cargo has resulted in higher through-port and transport costs. Shipping lines avoid coming ports in India due to the long waiting time and long queues. The capacity of various ports including Bombay Port has already been exhausted and now capacities of other ports like Jawahar Lal Nehru Port Trust (JNPT) are on the verge of exhaustion. The turnaround time at Indian ports is one of the biggest handicaps logistics service providers have to

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