Restaurant Business In Food Industry

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1. INTRODUCTION Since we are opening a new type of restaurant business in food industry, our business has provided a variety of satay and fast food to attract local, foreign customer, so that might be able to build public relation with them in the long term relationship and compete with other competitor in this area. However, when our restaurant business is operating along the way, we have identified that some mistake or error was existed within this restaurant. Thus, I have written this report is to state that reflect on my performance as a group in order to develop this restaurant business so can reach its mission and vision in the future. 2. MY PROGRESS AS A GROUP IN DEVELOPING THE BUSINESS LEADERSHIP This skill is to allow us to be a…show more content…
Since, we have not yet took any related subject for financial accounting in these semesters, this problem may influence us to do this financial plan as we do not have any knowledge to handle this part as well. Even though, I have taken accounting subject during my secondary school, now I have forgotten some step to do this financial account for our business proposal. Such as, this proposal needs to do start up cost budget and cash flow to ensure that break even exist in our business, so that it can cover cost within one year. Unfortunately, we do not have this course yet, so we should try our best to do it as well. DECISION MAKING To overcome this financial problem, before that I have suggested with my group member in our group chat as to find a place, seat together and meet each other in order to discuss about our financial problem. Then, they have made an agreement to do together in this financial plan at somewhere else. So, we have gone to the campus library to discuss together by getting this financial plan done as soon, so that we can spend our time to do another activity such as sporting and refreshing with friends. MY FINAL…show more content…
In our new type of restaurant business, management part is playing an important role as it should have a person in charge all over the employee within our restaurant. In this case, I have done my task which is management part in this proposal. Instead of doing this particular task, I have learn that how I should organize the organizational chart as well by dividing employee’s task properly in order to achieve restaurant’s mission and vision in the future. As doing this proposal, the function of management shall be able to plan, organize, lead and control that may provide a good reputation within our restaurant business in the long term operation. And, during this course, I have learn about the basic chapter of management by understanding this role in detail. Therefore, this function could help me to manage in particular work environment by managing the people so that they can work efficiently and significantly within an

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