Swot Analysis Firefly

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In this section we are going to conduct a SWOT analysis of the Firefly Inc. By doing this we will be able to uncover opportunities for Talon and his partner to exploit. Also by understanding the weaknesses and causes behind it, we will be able suggest an appropriate solution for the problems they are facing. Firefly's Strengths: • Culture o Firefly restaurant has a major strength; when Talon started the restaurants he had one vision in mind to develop an employees oriented company. The employees developed a camaraderie amongst each other, which is evident from the great success of the restaurant, worked towards creating a work environment where both the employees and the customers enjoyed. Having a strong Organizational culture advantageous…show more content…
Customer's satisfaction is very important in the food business. It is very important to keep your regular customers and expand to new ones in order to keep making profit. Selling good food is very important and hence this is a major strength that firefly should exploit. With the intense competition in the food industry, customer satisfaction has become more important in maintaining a competitive advantage. While declining sales can also be attributed to other factors, in case of the food industry declining sales is directly related to customer dissatisfaction. The things that determine customer satisfaction are staff courtesy, service speed, food services, restaurant layout and cleanliness, food variety, beverage variety, food and beverage quality. Therefore, the declines in sales for the firefly restaurants means that the above customers need are not being…show more content…
The only thing they need to do is to make sure that the customers keep on growing in order for them to keep on expanding. Talon's food business is in an industry with a big and always growing market. In order for them to attract a bigger share of the market, they need to provide the best services, best food and beverages and maintaining a clean environment are some of the major factors that would make Talon to stay ahead of the competition WEAKNESSES • Lack of management skills o One of the major problem that firefly is facing is poor management skills. Talon and his partners have demonstrated major management issues, such as poor decisions making, lack of communication skills, and lack of emotional intelligence. • Lack of marketing o Talon and his partner have not been doing much of marketing for their restaurants. With a bit more marketing Talon will be able to reach a bigger market. This is one of the unutilized opportunities. To exploit this opportunity Talon should design a marketing strategy that will enable him to reach his intended market. OPPORTUNITIES • Experience o The owners of firefly restaurants come from working in the big chains restaurants. This means that they have previous experience on the food business. Having prior knowledge of the market, customers, services and employees is a big advantage to Talon and his

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