Maslow Theory Case Study

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2. Factors affecting health care professionals’ motivation to work , which derived from Maslow’s theory. (can state this theory in few sentences before discussing those factors) - need for safety - need to feel a sense of belonging (sociality) - need for respect - self-esteem & self actualization - existence factor According to Coon, D. & O.Mitterer, J. (2010) some needs are more powerful than the others as described by Maslow from his hierarchy of human needs. He trusted that the dominant needs in the hierarchy are the lower needs. Before growth motives are fully expressed, basic needs must first be fulfilled. Need for safety is categorized in safety and security needs which is a basic needs for a human. Safety and security needs include…show more content…
When a health care professional feel that they are respected, this motivates them to work. This is because an individual need the self-esteem and pride which was described by Maslow in the hierarchy and this can be obtained when they are respected, accepted and valued by others (Kontodimopoulos, N., Paleologou, V., Niakas, D. 2009). When self-esteem needs are achieved, confidence are gained and this motivates them to continue contributing to the society. People who are able to fulfill and doing what they are capable of are self-actualized people. When lower needs are satisfied, the final need which is the self-actualization needs will be shown. Self-esteem needs which are the sense of achievement, respect and confidence where they gained from their patients motivates them to work as it will fulfill their self-esteem need. This is supported by (Kontodimopoulos, N., Paleologou, V., Niakas, D. 2009) where their study shows that the number one ranked motivator was…show more content…
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