A Short Summary Essay: Women Under Domestic Violence

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Women under domestic violence It is a misconception that women are most at risk of violence in the street, away from the safety of home. There is a greater likelihood that women are attacked in their own homes by people they live with. Domestic violence affects women of all ages and from all countries, is a form of abuse that can manifest itself in different ways. Besides physical violence can include threats, insults or sexual abuse. It also includes the deprivation of liberty of the individual to keep her away from family and friends or by withholding money due. These types of abuse have one thing in common: they are methods used by someone (usually a man, though occasionally a woman) to control their partner and sometimes other family members. Some people believe that this abuse is a private matter which should engage the family. However, domestic violence is a crime and families have a right to be protected against this crime. Keep it behind closed doors only allows the abuse to continue and to cause physical and emotional damage to the family members. If nothing is done about the abuse usually gets worse and sometimes comes to cause serious…show more content…
However, domestic violence is a crime and families have a right to be protected against this crime. Keep it behind closed doors only allows the abuse to continue and to cause physical and emotional damage to the family members. If nothing is done about the abuse usually gets worse and sometimes comes to cause serious injury or death. Even when abuse is committed against one person, often the partner of a man, also affects other family members. Children who grow up in abusive families may develop problems such as feeling that they cannot trust adults, particularly men, or they may develop problems with alcohol or other drugs. When they reach the age of starting a family itself, can become abusers. This is why we cannot think that

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