Descriptive Research Methodology

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Chapter 2 METHODOLOGY Research Design This study made use of the descriptive and development methods. Descriptive research according to Jackson (2009) is directed towards ascertaining the “here and now”, the prevailing conditions at the time of study. It also gives meaning to the quality and standing facts about people, events, and circumstances at a particular time and place. This study will use the survey method of descriptive research because the respondents will answer questions administered through a questionnaire after which the responses will be quantified and described. The development method aims to produce effective products for the use in a particular situation such as the development of instructional material. As used in this…show more content…
3. Planning and Organizing The collection of Iloko songs were used to launch the lessons prescribed by the Curriculum Guide for Grade3 music. 4. Writing the draft of the lesson plans The actual lessons were written during this stage. The researcher was guided accordingly along the format of lesson planning prescribed in the Division. The researcher referred to the “TARABAY ITI ORTOGRAPIA TI PAGSASAO NGA ILOKANO 2012 in writing the Iloko lesson plans. 5. Validation of the lesson plans The draft of the lesson plans were subjected to validation along content, format, presentation, accuracy and up-to-datedness while the Iloko songs were evaluated along validity, suitability and acceptability. Expert validators from both DMMMSU-SLUC and DMMMSU-Mid La Union Campus were selected, together with the competent MAPEH Supervisors of the La Union Schools Division. 6. Revisions Based on the opinion of the validators, revisions and editing were…show more content…
Instrumentation and Data Collection The researcher used the questionnaire in gathering the needed data. The first set of questionnaire was distributed to the 34 Grade 3 music teachers of Aringay. There was total enumeration of teachers. They answered the questionnaire regarding the availability, and adequacy of Iloko instructional materials in Grade 3 music. The items were rated according to a five point likert scale where five is the highest and one is the lowest. The second set of questionnaire was accomplished by the validators. It had two parts. Five competent music experts evaluated the validity, suitability and acceptability of the songs as well as the validity of the Iloko lesson plans along content, format, presentation, accuracy and up-to-datedness. The items on the questionnaire for the validity of the Iloko songs and lesson plans were rated accordingly to a four point likert scale in which four is the highest and one is the lowest. Part I evaluated the validity, suitability and acceptability of the songs. The questionnaire was adopted from the study of Botilas (2012). Some parts had been revised and modified to suit the
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