The Importance Of Fanaticism In Pakistan

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“You are free; you are free to go to your temples, you are free to go to your mosques or to any other place of worship in this State of Pakistan. You may belong to any religion or caste or creed that has nothing to do with the business of the State.” - Excerpt from Jinnah’s inaugural address to the Constituent Assembly of Pakistan, August 11, 1947. Pakistan’s struggle to emerge as progressive Islamic welfare state is now 70 years old. The purpose of its creation was the social and economic betterment of Muslims of the subcontinent. It was meant to be a country that was to serve as a model for Muslim nations to follow. It was to be a safe haven for not only Muslims but people from all religions, sects and castes to follow their religious believes without restrictions. It was created in the name of Islam, the religion of…show more content…
Fanaticism has infiltrated even our elite schools, colleges and universities not to mention low budget schools. Government and private institutions should take long overdue steps in reforming their current curriculum. The teaching of Quran should be made compulsory under the supervision of academics who have moderate views. However, introducing Quran to every Pakistani student, Muslim or Non-Muslim, could pave the way to maltreatment of religious minorities. The solution of this hurdle is significantly less complex than the problem. Nowhere in the Quran is mistreating of Non-Muslims let alone killing them is implied. Steps should be taken to overcome the obstacle of illiteracy. While infrastructural developments in the past few years have portrayed a more positive view of Pakistan in the international community and has catapulted us in the right direction of economic growth and prosperity, if we ignore the needs of our educational department we cannot move forward as a nation. The war against terrorism can be won if guns and bombs are replaced with pens and

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