Essay On Malala Yousafzai

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Malala Yousafzai once said, “We realize the importance of our voices only when we are silenced.” The world took notice when she used her voice to speak up for what she believed in. Malala Yousafzai changed the world by campaigning for girl’s education and rights. She brought attention to the importance of education for all and the hardships that women and girls face. Malala leaves her legacy as the girl who stood up against the Taliban for her right to education. The early life of Malala Yousafzai was very happy and full of learning. Malala was born on July 12, 1997 in Mingora, Pakistan.(I am Malala) In her family she had two brothers, her older brother Kushal, and her younger brother Atal. She spent much of her early years playing and fighting with her brothers. Malala belongs to the Pashtun tribe that spreads across Afghanistan and Pakistan. Like many in Pakistan Malala is a devout Muslim, or follower of Islam. The culture that Malala grew up in influenced her work and opportunities. Pakistan is a patriarchal society, in which men hold most of the power while women hold very little. There are little opportunities for women in Pakistan. Many girls never even attend school, as it is believed that women do not need an education to be a wife. In Pakistan, only 40% of all females are literate. (Rowell 23)Not only are…show more content…
At age 10, she gave her first speech to a TV crew protesting the closing of girl’s schools in Swat Valley. Her speech entitled, “How Dare the Taliban Take Away My Basic Right To Education” gained much attention and brought light to the injustice happening in Swat. At age 11, Malala wrote a diary for the BBC about her life as a girl under Taliban rule. She used the pen name Gul Makai for her safety. The diary highlighted the fear and terror she felt and how her rights were being stripped away from her. Throughout her pre-teen years she continued to give speeches and protest Taliban

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