Reliability In Research Ethics

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Reliability According to yin (2014) the aim of reliability is to be sure that, if another researcher follows the same methods and procedures as described by an earlier researcher and makes the same study again, the later researcher should arrive at the same findings and conclusions. Also, reliability relates to the consistency and trustworthiness of the interview material (Kvalle & Brinkmann, 2009). The extent to which results are consistent over time and an accurate representation of the total population understudy is referred to as reliability and if the results a study can be reproduced under a similar methodology, then the research is considered to be reliable (Joppe, 2000). To ensure reliability, the author argued that he avoided leading…show more content…
According the author, the first and foremost reason is that research ethics have become institutionalized (King & Horrocks, 2010; Mauthner et al 2002; Helgeland, 2005). This means that committees on research ethics exist who produce ethical guidelines for research in a variety of academic fields. Some of these guidelines are related to the research community and involves themes such as scientific integrity, avoiding plagiarism, references practices and respect for colleagues. Another reason is also to show respect for all those who participated in the research…show more content…
It will be most likely relevant primarily in relation to contexts that resemble those studies. The source of insight was only dependent upon the statements of the respondents. A different insight could be achieved with some additional methods. For instance, observation; it is the process by which gathering of first hand information by observing the interaction of people under the study. And, it has many advantages, such as, gathering firsthand information, the opportunity to record, observe information in area of occurrence and it is an opportunity to study the actual behavior of the participants in the research. However, observation has some disadvantage too, such as; it requires good listening skills and careful attention to visual details. Also, being an outsider and an observer is not easy in an office which follows formal procedures and its interactions with its clients are dominated by one to one communication. Regardless of that, his previous knowledge of the area and the people, long work experience could use observation as a data collection

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