The Hun Army Analysis

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The producers used a very curious manipulation to ensure that the audience does not emphatise with The Hun Army at all. Apart from Shan Yu and his elite, whom we see first at the beginning of the movie taking out almost effortlessly the Chinese soldiers guarding The Great Wall of China, the warriors are shown either, as mentioned earlier, as a large group resembling insects, without any traces of individuality, or as blurred images of men, with no details whasoever and lacking also in human characteristics again1. It combines with the theory of Huns as demonic spirits, as they seem to almost blend with their horses, which also take on the changed, dangerous look. The stallions seem more like the beasts of prey, bordering on carnivoure like,…show more content…
The choice of long-range weapons is a good one if the intention is creation of an ivicible army. Something that cannot be touched cannot be beaten, and that is what is curios in the movie. The Hun Army carries not only bows, but also other weapons like spears, curved swords and halberd. That implies that they do pratake in close combat and can be defeated. At the same time it is damning the Hun Army, their actions now became personal, what they do is no longer only constituting of following orders, but taking initiative on their own, but it also gives hope to the audience. Although, Ammianus Marcellinus comments that “when in close combat with swords, they fight without regard to their own safety” (qtd. in “Huns”), which means that they reach almost mindless berserker state while sparring blows, the enemy that has a weakness, even if such a minor one, gives the possibility of winning the fight, that good once more overcomes

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