Importance Of Effective Leadership In An Organisation

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Leadership is defined as the act of influencing subordinates in an organization through making sound decisions and being charismatic in order to achieve a specific set objective. According to Hiebert and Klatt (2001), leaders and managers are not necessarily interchangeable given that managers perform tasks of planning, organizing, communicating and controlling whilst leaders persuade employees to seek defined objectives. Therefore, the concept of effective leadership plays a major role in the market performance of a company provided that the leader portrays traits of intelligence, social maturity and breadth, inner motivation and achievement desires. Leadership can be accomplished through three main styles which are; authoritarian, participative…show more content…
Empowerment of employees will not only enable the company to establish new and efficient ways to conduct its operations but also make it easier for employees to become self motivated and have a sense of belonging. Vecchio (2007) indicates that through frequent communication and feedback, a leader can establish the weaknesses and rigidities facing subordinate staff before they get demoralized. Lack of the sense of accomplishment leads to production of substandard products and increased wastage of resources through continuous trials. Likewise, it will be difficult for the company to use the mechanism for economies of scale in a work place where efficiency is yet to be…show more content…
A leader will accomplish the satisfaction of the need for care from employees by becoming a “servant leader” (Pasmore, Woodman and Shani, 2010). Whereby, the leader avails required services to the employees rather than wait for them to deliver results. By treating people with dignity and respect they will feel appreciated and hence challenge themselves to accomplish more than what is expected of them. Good leadership has been attributed to include attitudes and behaviors that characterize and relates positively with humanity. It is by using leadership traits of sincerity, compassion and honesty that the work force will feel like their decisions matter and thereby making them an important part of the organization. Leadership will use ethics and professional behavior in running operations in the organization which will encourage employees given that they emulate what the leader is doing. The leader is therefore the essential part in creating a good team in the work force not only by the way employees are treated but also the way they work without favor of any particular
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