Client Relationship Management Case Study

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At the present time the relationship with clients are changed. Previously sellers knew personally theirs customers and knew exactly their preferences. Eventually with growth of cities, growth of companies and mobility, this individual approach was difficult to provide. So now companies build relationship in some other way and search for new solutions for that. Until recently, sellers fixed attention on selling product to as many people as possible, so the sellers focused on mass marketing. Then, segments of customers received the proposals adjusted to the personal needs, and it gave the target marketing with selective approach. In the 1990s there has been an arise of relationship marketing, also called 1:1 marketing with focus on two-way dialog…show more content…
CRM is focused on changes of business environment and work with large amount of data. In particular, IT is critical enabler of CRM (ссылка на Dibb, S. “Customer Relationship Management and Barriers to the Segment of One,” Journal of Financial Services Marketing (6:1), 2001, pp.10-23). Since the association with technology is one of the most important aspects, CRM technology is often equated with Client Relationship Management. (Reinartz, Krafft, and Hoyer 2004) but it is erroneous. The absence of a clear-cut definition has been noted by many authors. Payne and Frow define CRM from at least three perspectives: narrowly and tactically as a particular technology solution, wide-ranging technology, and customer centric; these perspectives can be displayed as Figure 1 (ссылка на A Strategic Framework for Customer Relationship…show more content…
CRM attempts to provide a strategic bridge between information technology and marketing strategies aimed at building long-term relationships and profitability. (Glazer 1997). Buttle (2010), Greenberg (2010) define CRM as strategic approach to the customer, which integrates all processes in the company in order to create value for customer and
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