Importance Of Relationship Marketing

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Starting with the large organisations, it comes to assigning a value increasing the measures to promote the marketing and marketing relationship. The consumer is no longer just one more, and demand increasingly customised products. Thus, the marketing relationship has proved a valuable tool retention and customer loyalty. Within relationship marketing, the organisation seeks to apply the marketing mix: product, price, place and promotion according to the real desire and need for each client, through more direct contact with each customer, seeking to generate greater satisfaction and therefore retention thereof. The marketing department within a company is directly linked to human science, because they deal directly with people in being concerned…show more content…
And for this strategic activity that is the internal marketing all categories of employees, this includes the middle and senior management, need to be involved. Organisations should use tools like job description, the recruitment procedures, career path, salary, awards and indirect benefits, encouraging initiative, creative attitude, empowerment as well as many others, but as active marketing tools, making this the organisations will contribute to getting and keeping the right kind of employees, so that the internal marketing goals are met (Punjaisri and Wilson,…show more content…
it is a prerequisite to maintain the fundamental motivation in employees. 1.6 Research Questions • How can employees be motivated for a performance customer-oriented and service-minded and thus successfully do their duty as marketers? • How organisation improves its internal marketing and becomes more attractive as an employee to retain good employees? • What internal services are provided in a targeted manner to the customer within the organisation or between partners in a network context, which is nothing more than an extension of the first goal? • How internal services are provided by the management support and suitable technology which enable employees to fulfil their responsibilities as part-time marketers? 1.7 Rationale of the study / Justification for the Topic Choice The internal marketing is a tool that is used by organisations to encourage in any way the commitment of its employees, increasing productivity and quality in the products and services offered to customers satisfying thus the individual needs of each member of the company and the organisation's needs, generating good results and
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